Issues EIBP will help to address

Clementswood and Loxford wards of Redbridge are areas of substantial deprivation. People suffer from social exclusion, lack of community cohesion, and high rates of crime and unemployment. Additionally, levels of child poverty are high and health is poor.

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The two communities face distinct issues which EIBP will address – lack of racial harmony in these already hugely disadvantaged areas. This is fed by lack of initiatives to bring people of varied ethnicity/faiths/cultures together. There is ethnic tension – people of different ethnicity/ethnic groups clash and there are high levels of associated crime (including violent and race related).

Research/other evidence of project need

Redbridge’s ‘Deprivation in Redbridge Indices of Deprivation 2010’ details Clementswood & Loxford wards as within 20% most deprived in England.
Redbridge’s ‘Community Cohesion in London Borough of Redbridge’ (2009) details inter-generational tensions, lack of understanding and respect between older and younger and a settled backlash against new residents including migrants especially from Eastern Europe.
The above also cites problems due to young people dropping out of education and lack of community leisure and youth facilities to bring people and communities together.
In 2010, the IMD index showed an increase in crime in Clementswood, which ranked in the 20% most deprived for crime deprivation.
In 2012, End Child Poverty reported 41% of children in Clementswood and 44% in Loxford suffer from poverty.
2007 Redbridge Clementswood Ward Profile: “There is high unemployment and severe economic and social deprivation… Furthermore, poor health and housing conditions in Clementswood and other neighbouring wards makes the area a prime place to tackle growing inequalities….” The Loxford Ward Profile makes the same statement.
2007 Ward Profile for Loxford states it is the fourth most ethnically diverse ward in London. Clementswood ranks eleventh.
GLA Intelligence (Borough Profiles 2011):41.4% of Redbridge population was born abroad and 51.8% are from BAME groups –against national comparators of 12.2% and 12.5% respectively.
BVPI General Residents’ Survey 2007 – 70% of residents in Clementswood and Loxford felt unsafe outdoors after dark.

Consultations:Beneficiaries/local people

EIBP has consulted extensively to ensure we are community driven, needs-led and delivers outcomes which directly address beneficiary needs:

During 2012:

EIBP ran a series of 4 Community Focus Groups and obtained detailed feedback on issues/needs in 85 questionnaires.
Respondents said they were fearful for their safety and want change. They want to live in a place with a strong, multi-ethnic community where people understand, tolerate each other and work together to resolve problems.
People expressed disappointment at lack of community services and feel let down. They also feel the authorities create more problems by bringing new migrants, asylum seekers and homeless people into the area without properly supporting them.

During February 2013, we extended consultations with local people/potential project beneficiaries via questionnaire – (51 responses, 100% of questions answered).

88% said community problems are getting worse; 66% stated crime/ASB/racially-motivated crime was the biggest problem.

Comments received include: “People don’t care about each other as they used to”; there is a “lack of relations amongst different people”; “there are fewer activities and facilities for young people and children”; “people have little opportunity to gel as a community”.
76% of respondents would get actively involved in our projects.
People want: “A place to chill out, so not condemned on the street”; “teaching new people to our country how we are supposed to live”; English language training to help new entrants to the community to integrate; “Events, training and activities where people from different backgrounds can join in to bring change”; “help to bring people together locally”.

Adding to/ filling gaps in local services

Redbridge’s 2009 ‘Community Cohesion in London Borough of Redbridge’ cites problems due to young people dropping out of education and lack of community leisure and youth facilities to bring people and communities together – Clementswood Community will address these by providing community space and community leisure activities.
There is no other community centre either in Clementswood or Loxford – partially due to LA austerity budgeting.
There are no similar services provided in Clementswood or Loxford, although the Community Development Institute in Redbridge provides integration through skills training. CDI supports our bid, will be a referral partner and support us to deliver English training.
Our review of local services and local consultations, have been instrumental in developing the Clementswood Community Centre project.
EIBP has excellent links to local police, Redbridge Council, faith leaders and will engage them as stakeholders.

Our work will augment that of Redbridge Safer Community Partnership – delivering activities reducing ASB, crime and violence.

Fit with local plans/strategies/initiatives

CLIC will contribute positively to:

Redbridge Council plans to “tackle economic, social and health problems plaguing Clementswood and the southern wards.”
Redbridge’s Corporate Strategy of aiming to make its areas a safer place to live by creating community relations and community cohesion.
Redbridge’s Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-18 and local police strategies by reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.

Additional evidence supporting project need

In March 2011a local Mosque was attacked.
Local retail properties were attacked/looted during the 2011 riots mainly by local young people.

Changes – None since Outline Proposal.

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EIBP’s mission is to deliver safe, harmonious multi-cultural communities – where there are low levels of crime and people respect each other and work together to build better lives for themselves and others around them.

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