Aims of the East Ilford Betterment Partnership

To make East Ilford a centre of support for people of multiple faiths, cultures and racial groups enabling them to integrate into the community, to develop aspirations and realise those aspirations.


To further or benefit the residents of the Ilford and Clementswood wards of Redbridge, London and surrounding areas (“area of benefit”), without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions by associating together the said residents and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation leisure time occupation with the objective of improving the conditions of life for the residents.

In furtherance of these objects but not otherwise, the trustees shall have power:

To establish or secure the establishment of a community centre and to maintain or manage or co-operate with any statutory authority in the maintenance and management of such a centre for activities promoted by the organisation.
To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people from becoming socially excluded, relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society by (but not limited to) :-
providing a local network group that encourages and enables the social excluded to participate more effectively with the wider community.
increasing, or co-ordinating, opportunities for the social excluded to engage with service providers, to enable those providers to adapt services to better meet the needs of that community.

For the purpose of this clause ‘socially excluded’ means being excluded from society, or parts of society, as a result of one of more of the following factors: unemployment; financial hardship; youth or old age; ill health (physical or mental); substance abuse or dependency including alcohol and drugs; discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, disability, ethnic origin, religion, belief, creed, sexual orientation or gender re-assignment; poor educational or skills attainment; relationship and family breakdown; poor housing (that is housing that does not meet basic habitable standards; crime (either as a victim of crime or as an offender rehabilitating into society

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EIBP’s mission is to deliver safe, harmonious multi-cultural communities – where there are low levels of crime and people respect each other and work together to build better lives for themselves and others around them.

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